Port Conditions, Asia
Shanghai: Heavy congestion in all SIPG terminals continue – waiting 3-3.5 days for a berth after port was closed for 57hrs due to bad weather
Qingdao: Increased congestion – waiting time around 1-1.5 days. Pot closed 66hrs last week
Ningbo: Heavy congestion – currently 1-1.5 days waiting for a berth – Port closed for about 69hrs
Dalian: Moderate congestion comes up due to the port being closed for 96hrs last week due to strong winds and rough seas
Lianyugang: Severe congestion appears this week, the port was closed for 90hrs last week, vessels can expect up to 3-4 days for a berth
Xingang: Port was closed for 11hrs last week, but port productivity situation remained normal
Manila: Manila South & North port still experiencing congestion , 15 vessels currently waiting for a berth at Manila North and 6 vessels waiting for a berth at Manila South. Terminal CY’s also heavily over capacity which leads to delays of empty returns and use of external ICD’s a “must”
Bangkok: Berth waiting time continues to be approx. 1 day
Japan: Nagoya Port is likely to be affected by Typhoon Cimaron on 23rd Aug
Korea: Port operation is normal at present, however Typhoon SOULIK will shut the ports now for approx. 24–36 hours