CSMS #43511668 – Information on COBRA User Fee Changes Effective October 1, 2020
Pursuant to the General Notice (85 FR 45646) published July 29, 2020, various changes to user fees within the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 will take effect on October 1, 2020. The General Notice may be accessed at the link below:https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-07-29/pdf/2020-16450.pdf
The Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) ad valorem rate of 0.3464% will NOT change. The MPF minimum and maximum for formal entries (class code 499) will change. The minimum will change from $26.79 to $27.23; and the maximum will change from $519.76 to $528.33.
The fee for informal entry or release (class code 311) will change to $2.18.
The surcharge for manual entry or release will change to $3.27.
The dutiable mail fee (class code 496) will change to $5.99.
Another CSMS will be sent when the changes are in the ACE Certification environment for trade testing.