CSMS #43511668 – Information on COBRA User Fee Changes Effective October 1, 2020
Pursuant to the General Notice (85 FR 45646) published July 29, 2020, various changes to user fees within the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 will take effect on October 1, 2020. The General Notice may be accessed at the link below:https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2020-07-29/pdf/2020-16450.pdf
The Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) ad valorem rate of 0.3464% will NOT change. The MPF minimum and maximum for formal entries (class code 499) will change. The minimum will change from $26.79 to $27.23; and the maximum will change from $519.76 to $528.33.
The fee for informal entry or release (class code 311) will change to $2.18.
The surcharge for manual entry or release will change to $3.27.
The dutiable mail fee (class code 496) will change to $5.99.
Another CSMS will be sent when the changes are in the ACE Certification environment for trade testing.

Update to United States Mexico Canada Agreement
After 25 year, the old North American Trade Agreement will be replaced tomorrow July 1, 2020. Each participating country has its own name, yet all three names refer to the same trade agreement. Please see the name for each country listed below.
- United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), in the United States
- Tratado entre Mexico, Estados Unidos y Canada (T-MEC), in Mexico.
- Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), in Canada.
US Customs and Border Patrol issued a cargo systems messaging service with the final instructions. Please see CMSM# 43215543 US-Mexico-Canada Agreements (USMCA) Implementing Instructions (Final) – July 30, 2020. The CSMA published by Customs lists the website were you can find specific information for importing under USMCA. BOC will provide a Certificate of Origin that contains all the data elements that are required for USMCA, T-MEC and CUMA with instructions, to any party requesting it.
Cargo Systems Messaging Service CSMS #43215543
US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Implementing Instructions (Final) – June 30, 2020
This message is to inform the Trade Community of the release of the USMCA Implementing Instructions (Final) on June 30, 2020. The link to this document is available below.
These USMCA Implementing Instructions replace the Updated USMCA Interim Implementing Instructions issued on June 16, 2020, and provide guidance on the new requirements under the USMCA, including information on USMCA entry, compliance, rules-of-origin, origin certifications, new auto requirements, textile requirements, and other requirements for claiming USMCA preferential treatment for goods.
The supporting USMCA regulations, the new Part 182 of Title 19, Code of Federal Regulations (19 CFR 182) that includes the USMCA Uniform Regulations, will be issued on July 1, 2020. Additionally, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States will be amended effective, July1, 2020 to include General Note 11 (GN11) with information on the USMCA rules of origin, product specific rules, and other requirements.
Effective July1, 2020, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) terminates and the USMCA enters into force.
Questions regarding this guidance can be directed to Maya Kamar, Director, Textiles and Trade Agreements Division at (202) 945-7228 or email FTA@CBP.DHS.GOV.
Questions regarding the USMCA automotive certification submission process for Labor Value Content certification, Steel certification, and Aluminum certification can be directed to the USMCA Center email at USMCA@CBP.DHS.GOV.
The USMCA Implementing Instructions – June 30, 2020
The USMCA Implementation Act (Public Law No: 116-113)
The USMCA Agreement, Final Text
USTR Federal Register Notice on USMCA Alternative Staging Regimes for Automotive Imports – 85 FRN 22238, April 21, 2020
CSMS #43197567 – USMCA Post-Importation Claims and MPF Processing

Capacity Cut by Blank Sailings
The international trading industry continues to face challenges. It is reported that the shipping companies suspended a large volume in May and June, leading to container freight rates rising. Ports and the container shipping industry will continue to be under pressure in the coming months.
Due to the impact of the pandemic on global trade, according to data provided by Alphaliner, as at May 11, the number of global container ships standing idle has reached 524, with a total idle standing capacity of 2.65 million TEU. It is equivalent to 11.3% of the global container shipping capacity. It has become the highest in history.
The shipping companies have announced the cancellation of a total of 478 voyages, of which 350 voyages are mainly on deep ocean routes.

MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company would like to inform you that in order to respond to lower demand due to the increased impact of COVID-19 across Europe and the USA, we will continue our seasonal blanking programme.
The temporary suspension of our NEUATL4 service will be extended till week 28.
(NOTE: Rotation affected by MSC NEUATL service is: Antwerp – Rotterdam – Bremerhaven – Felixstowe – New York – Savannah – Port Everglades – Charleston)
The programme will continue with the followed omissions:
- Week 24 omission – Blanking vessel voyage 024W – ETD Antwerp 08.06.2020
- Week 25 omission – Blanking vessel voyage 025W – ETD Antwerp 15.06.2020
- Week 26 omission – Blanking vessel voyage 026W – ETD Antwerp 22.06.2020
- Week 27 omission – Blanking vessel voyage 027W – ETD Antwerp 29.06.2020
- Week 28 omission – Blanking vessel voyage 028W – ETD Antwerp 06.07.2020
You may continue to place bookings with limited disruption as we are arranging a contingency plan with alternative services.
Should you have any questions regarding these blanking, please contact your MSC local office.
Week# | Alliance | Carrier (Service String) | Gateway | Blank Sailing Details | Alterative | Update |
22 | Ocean Alliance | *Cosco (AWE2), OOCL (ECX2), APL (AW1), CMA (Manhattan Bridge), EMC (NUE2) | EC – (P) | M/V CMA CGM J.Madison ETD TAO 05/25 ETD NBO 05/28 ETD SHA 05/31 ETD BUS 06/01 ETA NYC 06/25 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
22 | Ocean Alliance | *Cosco (CPNW), OOCL (PNW4), APL (NP2),CMA (TPX), EMC (PE2), | PNW | M/V XIN HONGKONG ETD HKG 05/27 ETD YTN 05/29 ETD NBO 06/01 ETD SHA 06/03 ETA PRR 06/14 | Resume to Normal | Revised 05/08 2020 |
22 | The Alliance | *YML, Hapag, ONE, HMM (PS4) | PSW | M/V TBA ETD XMN 05/30 ETD YTN 06/01 ETD KAO 06/02 ETD KEE 06/03 ETA LAX 06/16 | Resume to Normal | Revised 05/15 2020 |
23 | 2M+Zim | *ZIM (ZCP), MSK (TP10),MSC (Amber Jack) Hamburg (ASUS1), | EC – (P) | M/V CAPE TAINARO ETD XNG 06/05 ETD TAO 06/07 ETD NBO 06/09 ETD SHA 006/11 ETD BUS 06/14 ETA SAV 07/08 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
23 | Ocean Alliance | *Cosco (AWE2), OOCL (ECX2), APL (AW1), CMA (Manhattan Bridge), EMC (NUE2) | EC – (P) | M/V ETD TAO 06/01 ETD NBO 06/04 ETD SHA 06/06 ETD BUS 06/08 ETA NYC 07/02 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
23 | Ocean Alliance | *Cosco (GME) CMA (GMX), EMC (GME), OOCL (GCC2) | EC – (P) | M/V Cosco Auckland ETD SHA 06/01 ETD NBO 06/02 ETD XMN 06/04 ETD YTN 06/05 ETA HOU 07/03 | Resume to Normal | Revised 05/14 2020 |
23 | Ocean Alliance | *EMC (NUE), APL (AW4), CMA (Vespucci), OOCL (ECC2), Cosco (AWE1), | EC – (P) | M/V TBA ETD TAO 06/04 ETD NBO 06/06 ETD SHA 06/08 ETD BUS 06/10 ETT SAV 07/03 | Added 04/28 2020 | |
23 | The Alliance | *Hapag , ONE, YML, HMM (EC5) | EC – (S) | M/V MOL Maneuver 052E ETD LCB 006/06 ETD Caimep 06/08 ETD SG 06/10 ETD PKL 06/11 ETD Colomno 06/15 ETA NYC 07/06 | Added 05/07 2020 | |
23 | Ocean Alliance | *Cosco (CPNW), OOCL (PNW4), APL (NP2),CMA (TPX), EMC (PE2), | PNW | M/V TBA ETD HKG 06/03 ETD YTN 06/05 ETD NBO 06/08 ETD SHA 06/10 ETA PRR 06/21 | Added 05/08 2020 | |
23 | The Alliance | *Hapag,* YML, *HMM, ONE , (PN3) Blank on WK17/19/21/23/25 | PNW | M/V TBA ETD HKG 06/01 ETD YTN 06/02 ETD SHA 06/06 ETD BUS 06/08 ETA YVR 06/19 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
23 | The Alliance | *ONE, Hapag , YML, HMM (PN4) Blank on WK 17/19/21/23/25 | PNW | M/V TBA ETD TAO 06/06 ETD NBO 06/08 ETD SHA 06/09 ETD BUS 06/13 ETA PRR 06/22 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
23 | Ocean Alliance | *OOCL (PCC1), Cosco (AAC4) APL (CC9), CMA (HIX), EMC (PCC1) | PSW | M/V TBA ETD NBO 06/07 ETD SHA 06/09 ETD BUS 06/11 ETA LGB 06/22 | Added 05/08 2020 | |
23 | The Alliance | *ONE, Hapag , YML , HMM (PS3) | PSW | M/V TBA ETD NHV 06/06 ETD PIP 06/07 ETD COL 06/10 ETD PKL 06/14 ETD SG 06/17 ETD Caimep 06/20 ETD HPH 06/23 ETA LAX 07/08 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
23 | Ocean Alliance | *CMA (Columbus PNW), APL (WAX), OOCL (PNW2), Cosco (MPNW), EMC (NP1), | PNW | M/V : ETD SG 06/03 ETD YTN 06/09 ETD XMN 06/11 ETD NBO 06/12 ETD SHA 06/15 ETD BUS 06/18 ETA SEA 06/28 | Added 05/14 2020 | |
24 | Ocean Alliance | *CMA (PRX), APL (SC1), OOCL (PCS1), Cosco (AAS2) EMC (PRX), Wanhai (CP3) -Wef ETD FUQ May 13 – New Route | PSW | M/V TBA ETD FUQ 06/10 ETD NSA 06/12 ETD YTN 06/13 ETD XMN 06/15 ETA LAX 06/29 | Resume to Normal | Revised 05/25 2020 |
24 | The Alliance | *YML, Hapag, ONE, HMM (PS4) | PSW | M/V TBA ETD XMN 06/13 ETD YTN 06/15 ETD KAO 06/16 ETD KEE 06/17 ETA LAX 06/30 | Resume to Normal | Revised 05/19 2020 |
24 | Ocean Alliance | *Cosco (GME) CMA (GMX), EMC (GME), OOCL (GCC2) | EC – (P) | M/V Cosco Auckland ETD SHA 06/08 ETD NBO 06/09 ETD XMN 06/11 ETD YTN 06/12 ETA HOU 07/10 | Added 05/14 2020 | |
25 | The Alliance | *Hapag , ONE, YML, HMM (EC5) | EC – (S) | M/V MOL MIssion ETD LCB 06/20 ETD Caimep 06/22 ETD SG 06/24 ETD PKL 06/25 ETD Colomno 06/29 ETA NYC 07/20 | Added 05/07 2020 | |
25 | The Alliance | *Hapag,* YML, *HMM, ONE , (PN3) Blank on WK17/19/21/23/25 | PNW | M/V TBA ETD HKG 06/15 ETD YTN 06/16 ETD SHA 06/20 ETD BUS 06/22 ETA YVR 07/03 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
25 | The Alliance | *ONE, Hapag , YML, HMM (PN4) Blank on WK 17/19/21/23/25 | PNW | M/V TBA ETD TAO 06/20 ETD NBO 06/22 ETD SHA 06/23 ETD BUS 06/27 ETA PRR 07/06 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
25 | Ocean Alliance | *EMC (TPA) APL (SC8), CMA (JDX), OOCL(PSW8), Cosco (AAS4) -Wef ETD HKG 05/03 – New Route | PSW | M/V TBA ETD HKG 06/21 ETD KAO 06/24 ETD TAIPEI 06/25 ETA LAX 07/08 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
25 | Ocean Alliance | *CMA (PRX), APL (SC1), OOCL (PCS1), Cosco (AAS2) EMC (PRX), Wanhai (CP3) -Wef ETD FUQ May 13 – New Route | PSW | M/V TBA ETD FUQ 06/17 ETD NSA 06/19 ETD YTN 06/20 ETD XMN 06/22 ETA LAX 07/06 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
26 | Ocean Alliance | *EMC (NUE), APL (AW4), CMA (Vespucci), OOCL (ECC2), Cosco (AWE1), | EC – (P) | M/V TBA ETD TAO 06/25 ETD NBO 06/27 ETD SHA 06/29 ETD BUS 07/01 ETT SAV 07/24 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
26 | The Alliance | *YML, Hapag, ONE, HMM (PS4) | PSW | M/V TBA ETD XMN 06/27 ETD YTN 06/28 ETD KAO 06/30 ETD KEE 07/01 ETA LAX 07/14 | Added 04/24 2020 | |
27 | Ocean Alliance | *Cosco (GME) CMA (GMX), EMC (GME), OOCL (GCC2) | EC – (P) | M/V TBA ETD SHA 06/29 ETD NBO 06/30 ETD XMN 07/02 ETD YTN 07/03 ETA HOU 07/31 | Resume to Normal | Revised 05/25 2020 |
We thank you for your understanding and continued support

Additional List 4A Products Excluded from
China Tariff; Act Now for Retroactive Refunds
Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report | www.strtrade.com
Dozens of additional goods are being excluded from the Section 301 additional tariff (currently 7.5 percent) on List 4A goods from China. Importers of covered goods should act now to obtain refunds of Section 301 tariffs paid on such goods since Sept. 1, 2019.
For more information on this process, or on Section 301 tariffs in general, please contact Nicole Bivens Collinson, Marilyn-Joy Cerny, or Kristen Smith.
HTSUS numbers and products newly excluded from the List 4A tariff are as follows.
– HTSUS 5210.11.4040 (plain weave sheeting of cotton)
– HTSUS 5210.11.6020 (plain weave poplin or broadcloth of cotton)
– down of ducks or geese, not further worked than cleaned, disinfected, or treated for preservation, meeting both test standards 4 and 10.1 of Federal Standard 148a promulgated by the General Services Administration, with a fill power of at least 315 cm3/g but not more than 580 cm3/g (described in HTSUS 0505.10.0055)
– cyanuric chloride (IUPAC name: 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-triazine) (CAS No. 108-77-0), 99.5 percent or higher in purity (described in HTSUS 2933.69.6010)
– kneeling pads of plastics (described in HTSUS 3924.90.5650)
– fittings of plastics, of a kind used to connect mop heads with mop handles (described in HTSUS 3926.90.9990)
– printed books in the Chinese language (other than dictionaries and encyclopedias, textbooks, directories, bibles, testaments, prayer books and other religious books, technical, scientific and professional books, art and pictorial books, hardbound books, and rack size paperbound books), containing 49 or more pages each (excluding covers) (described in HTSUS 4901.99.0093)
– women’s cut and sewn garden gloves, without fourchettes, cut and sewn from preexisting machine knitted fabric of polyester and cotton jersey, containing 50 percent or more by weight of rubber or plastics, clute cut (described in HTSUS 6116.10.4400)
– gloves cut and sewn of machine knitted fabric, without fourchettes, with applied polyvinyl chloride dots, such gloves containing 50 percent or more by weight of cotton, manmade fibers or wool, or any combination thereof and subject to manmade fiber restraints (described in HTSUS 6116.10.5520)
– gloves, containing less than 50 percent by weight of textile fibers, coated with rubber or plastics designed for enhanced grip (described in HTSUS 6116.10.6500)
– gloves, cut and sewn of knitted fabric in chief weight of polyester, not impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber, without fourchettes (described in HTSUS 6116.93.8800)
– gloves of vegetable fibers, without fourchettes, with applied dots of polyvinyl chloride (described in HTSUS 6216.00.1720)
– shells for pillows and comforters made from microfiber fabric consisting of filament yarns not more than 1.22 decitex, such fabric with a weight of at least 55 g/m2 but not more than 155 g/m2 (described in HTSUS 6307.90.9889)
– round wire of nonalloy steel, hot-dipped galvanized with zinc, containing by weight less than 0.25 percent carbon, measuring at least 1.5 mm in diameter (described in HTSUS 7217.20.3000)
– ring binder mechanisms for loose-leaf binders, each measuring at least 132 mm but not more than 134 mm in length and at least 16 mm but not more than 18 mm in width, with two prongs seated underneath housing (described in HTSUS 8305.10.0010)
– three-way hand-operated valve part of brass, suitable for use as an input part on irrigation-grade valves (described in HTSUS 8481.90.1000)
– lithium-ion batteries of a form other than size designations of the International Electrotechnical Commission or the American National Standards Institute, each producing not more than 45 V, with a capacity of at least 6,000 milliamp hours but not more than 10 A hours (described in HTSUS 8507.60.0020)
– optical channel splitters (capable of converting between electrical signals and multiplexed optical signals) (described in HTSUS 8517.62.0090)
– television liquid crystal display main board assemblies, each consisting of a printed circuit board containing a television tuner and audio and video components (described in HTSUS 8529.90.1300)
– safety spectacle frames of plastics conforming to Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards (described in HTSUS 9003.11.0000)
– spectacle frames of plastics conforming to Food and Drug Administration regulations as approved medical devices (described in HTSUS 9003.11.0000)
– spectacle frames, other than of plastics (described in HTSUS 9003.19.0000)
– LCD modules, not capable of receiving or processing a broadcast television signal, each with a video display diagonal measuring not more than 191 cm (described in HTSUS 9013.80.9000)
– watch cases of stainless steel and titanium, not gold- or silver-plated, unassembled, each measuring at least 20 mm but not more than 48 mm in diameter and weighing at least 50 g but not more than 250 g (described in HTSUS 9111.20.4000)
– wristwatch cases of stainless steel, not gold- or silver-plated, including the sapphire crystal, the crown, and the case back, each measuring at least 39 mm but not more than 41 mm in diameter and at least 8 mm but not more than 10 mm in thickness, weighing not more than 40 g (described in HTSUS 9111.20.4000)
– watch dials of brass, each measuring at least 18 mm but not exceeding 50 mm in width and weighing at least 10 g but not more than 20 g (described in HTSUS 9114.30.4000)
– wristwatch dials of copper, each measuring at least 33 mm but not more than 35 mm in diameter (described in HTSUS 9114.30.4000)
– wristwatch hands, presented in sets each containing three hands (second, minute, and hour) of copper, each hand measuring at least 10 mm but not more than 14 mm in length, faced with lume paint (described in HTSUS 9114.90.4000)
– parts of child safety seats (described in HTSUS 9401.90.1085)
– unfinished pads and seats for weight-training exercise machines (described in HTSUS 9506.91.0030)
– fish hooks, not snelled (described in HTSUS 9507.20.8000)
– mop heads of polyester and rayon, lint free, disposable (described in HTSUS 9603.90.8050)
– tufts of swine hair bristles, oriented with the soft feather tipped ends of the hairs facing up and the hard, root ends of the hairs facing down, with the root ends of the hairs glued together to form a round bottom not more than 7 mm in diameter, for incorporation into brushes (described in HTSUS 9603.90.8050)
– electrical spark lighters (described in HTSUS 9613.80.2090)
The scope of each exclusion is governed by the specified product description and not the descriptions found in any particular request.
These exclusions, which must be claimed using new HTSUS subheading 9903.88.49, will be retroactive to Sept. 1, 2019, and remain in place until Sept. 1, 2020. Importers may utilize these exclusions for any product that meets the descriptions above, even if they did not request it.

More List 3 Products Excluded from
China Tariff; Act Now for Retroactive Refunds
Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report | www.strtrade.com
Dozens of additional goods are being excluded from the Section 301 additional 25 percent tariff on List 3 goods from China. These exclusions, which must be claimed using new HTSUS subheading 9903.88.48, will be retroactive to Sept. 24, 2018, and remain in place until Aug. 7, 2020.
Importers of covered goods should act now to obtain refunds of any tariffs paid on such goods since Sept. 24, 2018.
numbers and products newly excluded from the List 3 tariff are as follows.
– HTSUS 0713.33.1040 (kidney beans)
– HTSUS 0713.50.1000 (broad beans)
– HTSUS 1207.70.0020 (cantaloupe seeds)
– HTSUS 1207.70.0040 (watermelon seeds)
– HTSUS 1209.30.0090 (flower seeds)
– HTSUS 1209.91.6010 (sweet pepper seeds)
– HTSUS 1209.91.8010 (carrot seeds)
– HTSUS 1209.91.8020 (radish seeds)
– HTSUS 1209.91.8040 (cucumber seeds)
– HTSUS 1209.91.8050 (lettuce seeds)
– HTSUS 1209.91.8060 (squash seeds)
– HTSUS 1209.91.8070 (tomato seeds)
– HTSUS 2916.19.1000 (potassium sorbate)
– HTSUS 5603.14.9090, 5603.92.0090, and 5603.93.0090 (other nonwovens of manmade filaments)
– HTSUS 9403.70.4002 (plastic toddler beds, bassinets, and cradles)
– freeze-dried or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, shrimp, and tubifex worms used as pet feed (described in HTSUS 0511.91.0090)
– dried green seaweed used as pet feed (described in HTSUS 1212.29.0000)
– sodium permanganate in 40 percent aqueous solution (described in HTSUS 2841.69.0010)
– boron carbide in powder form (described in HTSUS 2849.90.1000)
– children’s acrylic paint sets, rock painting kits, and washable tempera paint kits (described in HTSUS 3213.10.0000)
– organic surface-active liquid for washing the skin (described in HTSUS 3401.30.5000)
– toilet seal rings of artificial or prepared waxes (described in HTSUS 3404.90.5150)
– artificial graphite, in powder or flake form, for manufacturing into the lithium-ion anode component of batteries (described in HTSUS 3801.10.5000)
– mixtures of ammonium ethyl carbamoylphosphonate and application adjuvants (described in HTSUS 3808.93.5050)
– refrigerant gas R-421B (described in HTSUS 3824.78.0020)
– silicon monoxide in powder form (described in HTSUS 3824.99.9297)
– washing machine tub seals of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (described in HTSUS 4016.93.5020)
– grommets of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (described in statistical reporting number 4016.99.6050)
– handbags with outer surface of sheeting of plastics (described in HTSUS 4202.22.1500)
– coin purses with outer surface of laminated plastics (described in HTSUS 4202.32.1000)
– garment travel bags of man-made fibers (described in HTSUS 4202.92.3131)
– flooring planks (described in HTSUS 4411.13.2000)
– boxes of wood with hinged top, handle of base metals, and two clasps (described in HTSUS 4420.90.8000)
– wood dowel pins (described in HTSUS 4421.99.1500)
– polypropylene roofing underlayment (described in HTSUS 4602.90.0000)
– diaries presented in a kit also containing a pen and stickers (described in HTSUS 4820.10.2010)
– albums for samples or collections, put up for retail sale in kits also containing cards and envelopes, a glue stick, a stencil, a pair of scissors, stamps, sticker sheets, sparkling gemstones, markers, and pens (described in HTSUS 4820.50.0000)
– rugs of hand-knotted pile, of nylon and polypropylene (described in HTSUS 5701.90.1010)
– prepared painting canvas panel boards (described in HTSUS 5901.90.4000)
– equipment for scaffolding (described in HTSUS 7308.40.0000)
– empty steel drums and barrels (described in HTSUS 7310.10.0010)
– containers of stainless steel of a kind used for the conveyance of beer (described in HTSUS 7310.21.0025)
– screws of stainless steel (described in HTSUS 7318.15.8082)
– portable grills of iron or steel designed for use with both charcoal and propane as fuels (described in HTSUS 7321.11.1060)
– steel cover assemblies with side shields, steel drop-in cooktop assemblies, steel griddles, and steel drop-in burner box assemblies, comprising parts of stoves and ranges (described in HTSUS 7321.90.1000)
– tailor welded blanks of hot-formed steel sheets, cut into D-shaped form (described in HTSUS 7326.90.8688)
– water bottle art kits (described in HTSUS 7616.99.5190)
– tungsten carbide rock drilling core bits (described in HTSUS 8207.19.3060)
– pet identification tags of aluminum or chrome-coated brass (described in HTSUS 8302.49.4000)
– gun safes with digital keypads, of base metal (described in HTSUS 8303.00.0000)
– wind turbine hubs (described in HTSUS 8412.90.9081)
– upright coolers incorporating refrigerating equipment with one swing-type transparent glass door (described in HTSUS 8418.50.0080)
– fuel filters for internal combustion engines (described in HTSUS 8421.23.0000)
– shipping scales of aluminum (described in HTSUS 8423.81.0040)
– portal cranes, each with a jib or operating arm to extend horizontally from the crane and run on rails (described in HTSUS 8426.30.0000)
– self-regulating valves to control fuel pressure for automotive and marine applications (described in HTSUS 8481.80.9015)
– headlamp assemblies for passenger cars and trucks (described in HTSUS 8512.20.2040)
– battery holders for bicycle signaling apparatus (described in HTSUS 8512.90.2000)
– countertop ovens of stainless steel and plastic with convection, bake, steam, and broil functions (described in HTSUS 8516.60.4074)
– resonant circuit tags designed for use with a radio frequency surveillance system (described in HTSUS 8531.90.9001)
– die-cast aluminum alloy running boards for motor vehicles (described in HTSUS 8708.29.5060)
– unassembled non-upholstered chairs with metal frames with seats and backs having a shell of plastics or wood (described in HTSUS 9401.79.0050)
– floor-standing jewelry armoires with locking mechanism (described in HTSUS 9403.60.8081)
The scope of each exclusion is governed by the product description in the attached notice and not the descriptions found in any particular request.
exclusions, which must be claimed using new HTSUS subheading 9903.88.48, will
be retroactive to Sept. 24, 2018, and remain in place until Aug. 7, 2020.
Importers may utilize these exclusions for any product that meets the
descriptions in the USTR notice, even if they did not request it.
View Document(s):

China Tariff Exclusions Updates
Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade Report | www.strtrade.com
More China List 1 Tariff Exclusions Extended but Only for Six Months
These exclusions are available for any product that meets the specified product description, regardless of whether the importer filed an exclusion request.
The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has extended the exclusion of the following products from the Section 301 additional 25 percent tariff on imports of List 1 goods from China.
– HTSUS 8481.10.0090 (other pressure-reducing valves)
– HTSUS 8483.50.9040 (other flywheels and pulleys)
– filtering or purifying machinery or apparatus of a kind used for waste water treatment (described in HTSUS 8421.21.0000)
– air purification equipment, electrically powered, weighing less than 36 kg (described in HTSUS 8421.39.8015)
– armatures designed for use in hydraulic solenoid valves (described in HTSUS 8481.90.9040)
– C-poles, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in HTSUS 8481.90.9040)
– metering spools, of aluminum, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in HTSUS 8481.90.9040)
– metering spools, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in HTSUS 8481.90.9040)
– poles, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in HTSUS 8481.90.9040)
– push pins, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in HTSUS 8481.90.9040)
– retainers, of steel, designed for use in hydraulic solenoid control valves (described in HTSUS 8481.90.9040)
– stereoscopic microscopes, not provided with a means for photographing the image, valued not over $500 per unit (described in HTSUS 9011.10.8000)
– adapter rings, tubes and extension sleeves, stands and arm assemblies, stages and gliding tables, eye guards and focusing racks, all the foregoing designed for use with compound optical microscopes (described in HTSUS 9011.90.0000)
These exclusions are available for any product that meets the specified product description, regardless of whether the importer filed an exclusion request. The scope of each exclusion is governed by the scope of the specified 10-digit HTSUS subheadings and product descriptions and not by the product descriptions in any particular request.
However, this extension of these exclusions is only valid until Dec. 31, not for an entire year as has previously been the case. USTR states that this shortened extension is due to “the cumulative effect of current and possible future exclusions or extensions of exclusions on the effectiveness of” the Section 301 tariffs. USTR explains that it has granted more than 6,200 exclusion requests to date, has extended some of these exclusions, and may consider further extensions. In addition, more than 8,600 exclusion requests are pending on List 4 goods. USTR states that it will take account of the cumulative effect of exclusions in considering the possible further extension of these and other exclusions.
On the other hand, the tariff exclusions granted in May 2019 for the following items are not being extended and will therefore expire May 14, at which point the 25 percent additional tariff will again be imposed on these goods.
– HTSUS 8407.21.0040 (outboard motors less than 22.38 kW)
– HTSUS 8427.10.4000 (rider-type, counterbalanced fork-lift trucks)
8473.40.1000 (printed circuit assemblies for automatic teller machines)
– apparatus, including pitchers, bottles, and units designed for incorporation into refrigerators, appliances, or sink faucets, the foregoing fitted with filters for filtering or purifying water (described in HTSUS 8421.21.0000)
– filtering apparatus, fitted with pumps, designed for use in pools, spas, or similar contained bodies of water (described in HTSUS 8421.21.0000)
– submersible machinery for filtering water, designed for use in pools, basins, aquariums, spas, or similar contained bodies of water (described in HTSUS 8421.21.0000)
– water distillation machinery and apparatus not covered by heading 8419 (described in HTSUS 8421.21.0000)
– dust collection equipment for cement, minerals, and mining industries (described in HTSUS 8421.39.8015)
– apron-type chain conveyors (described in HTSUS 8428.39.0000)
– roller conveyors (described in HTSUS 8428.39.0000)
– vibrating conveyors (described in HTSUS 8428.39.0000)
– machinery for mixing beverages in single servings for direct human consumption, designed for use in commercial food service establishments (described in HTSUS 8438.80.0000)
– machinery for reconstituting single serving beverages for direct human consumption from frozen pre-packaged portions, designed for use in commercial food service establishments (described in HTSUS 8438.80.0000)
– housings designed for hydraulic ball valves, of cast iron or steel, each measuring 5.7 cm by 3.2 cm and weighing 0.528 kg (described in HTSUS 8481.90.9040)
– DC electric motors, of an output of less than 18.65 W, valued over $4, other than brushless (described in HTSUS 8501.10.4060)
– AC electric motors, multi-phase, of an output exceeding 14.92 kW but not exceeding 75 kW, other than for use in civil aircraft (described in HTSUS 8501.52.8040)
– coils, coil assemblies, and other parts of electromagnets (described in HTSUS 8505.90.7501)
– radio remote control apparatus for garage doors (described in HTSUS 8526.92.5000)
– radio remote control apparatus for pet collars and pet food dispensers (described in HTSUS 8526.92.5000)
– remote control devices, hand held and battery powered, designed for use with toy model vehicles and aircraft (described in HTSUS 8526.92.5000)
– bezels, covers, and housings designed for motor vehicle cameras (HTSUS 8529.90.8100)
– electromechanical relays, for a voltage exceeding 60 V but not over 250 V, with contacts rated at 10 A or more (described in HTSUS 8536.49.0075)
– push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 2.9 cm by 2.9 cm by 2.9 cm, with 4 spade or brass terminals, with an actuator shaft with D-shaped cross section (described in HTSUS 8536.50.9035)
– push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 4.8 cm by 2.8 cm by 2.8 cm, with 2 spade or brass terminals (described in HTSUS 8536.50.9035)
– push-button switches, rated at over 5 A, measuring no more than 5 cm by 1.7 cm by 1.9 cm, with 2 spade or brass terminals, with an actuator shaft with D-shaped cross section (described in HTSUS 8536.50.9035)
– snap-action switches, each designed for installation in a wall-mounted enclosure or electrical box (described in HTSUS 8536.50.9040)
ultraviolet or infrared LED light therapy devices for the professional
treatment of pain or of ailments of the skin (described in HTSUS 9018.20.0040)
China Announces Second Round of Tariff Exclusions for U.S. Goods
China announced May 12 the second round of exclusions from its additional 25 percent tariff on imports of U.S. goods. These exclusions apply to 79 products (see attached for a complete list), including rare earth mineral ores, aircraft radar equipment, semiconductor parts, medical disinfectants, and various precious metals and chemical and petrochemical products.
These exclusions will be effective from May 19, 2020, to May 18, 2021. Importers of record will be eligible for refunds of the additional tariffs paid on these goods and will have six months to apply.
For U.S. goods still subject to China’s additional tariffs, there are alternatives to mitigate the impact. These include applying for market-based exclusion, restructuring global supply chains, etc.
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